Sunday, November 11, 2007

My Impression About Dog

Gennerally I love both cats and dogs.I always ask my parents to permit me to raise up a dogs in the house.Unfortunately I have no chance to fulfil my demand,it is because our house is not really an individual house surrounded by the fense.It means that mostly I lived in the condomedium where all kinds of pet are not allowed to be raised.Luckily,about the end of last year,about the month of November,our family moved to a new house where we are free to do anything we wanted to do anything we wanted to do.Then it was the most appropriate chance to do what I have been dreaming about my dream is to raise up the dog since it was still a small puppy.When I realize that my dream will come true,I started to make up my mind about the variety of dogs,I had selected the most approprated variety of dogs which was suiteable to riase up in my house.I had chosen the small Shih Tzu type,the Shih Tzu dog is tamed,gentle,charmed and elegant;I love it very much.After making up my mind I planned to approach my parents to allow me to buy the Shih Tzu dog at Seri Department store.Unexpectedly my parents agreed to buy Shih Tzu dog for me,it was a surpirse to me because my parents always refused to let me raise up a dog in the house because it will be a big burden for us to have the dog in our house.

Later I went with my mother to buy the dog according to my desired variety.There were many shops selling dogs, the shops were located behind the Seri Dypartment-store. At last I found one Shih tzu dog which I liked most and the price of the dog sound reasonable as well.My mother agreed to buy that paticular dog but it was subjected to the final dicision of my father.Then I phone my father to come to the pet shop and buy that dog but unfortunately it was too late for him to come on that day.So on the next day my father and I went to the pet shop to buy that dog which was a male one,then my father saw other Shih tzu dog which was a very lovely female one,suddenly he decided to buy one more Shih tzu because he said it is very pety if we raised up only one dog,it would be alone and feel lonely.

Eventually, it was not only my dream come true but I had received more than what I had been dreaming about, and moreover it impressed me so much.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

How much was the Shih tzu dog?


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