Sunday, November 18, 2007

My Future

Everyone has a purpose in your life and we hope to do that successful for the future. At present everybody is compete for money if you don't have education your opportunity for find job is less than who have an education. Sometime we may see a person who never learn in university or college but he have a enormous business make money a lot because he has an opporyunity for run business.My first purpose is graduation because it's very important for find a job and further study. In earliest stage I think I can't study at Assumption University It's very hard for study and I pay intention few. I don't read a book and that time I serious about something in my life.Result of exam I fail an exam my grade is 2.00. I feel bad when I know my grade and I promise with myself I will do it better. I have a model he is a my mother I think she is very expert even if she find problem she can pass that problem always such as once her business is cheated by colleague my mother lose a lot of money but she can solve that. In my future I want to have a business is different my mother's business. I like cosmetics I think it is useful for a women and women should be use it. I want to have a cosmetics industry.Finally everyone should be have a purpose in your life and do it successful. If you don't have that you must find it if you know suddenly you will have a time for prepare to do thatreverse if you know that late you may not successful in your life.

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